Shortfall in the Allocation of Health Budget Flagged by Parliamentary Panel


Durgesh Nandan Jha    09 December 2022

According to the committee report tabled in Parliament, the health ministry had projected an estimated budget of Rs 93,299 crore for the 2022–23 financial year; however, only Rs 83,000 crore was allocated to the ministry. As a result, the parliament′s standing committee expressed concern about the health ministrys budget allocation shortfall.


The committee recommended that the health ministry approach the ministry of finance to acquire adequate funds at the time of supplementary demands for grants to ensure that no scheme or project suffers for want of funds. In their report, the parliamentary committee recommended that the finance ministry set aside at least 2.5% of GDP for the health ministry to ensure affordable and accessible health services to all and reduce out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE).


The committee pointed out that many key health departments and hospitals run by the center have an acute shortage of staff. Hence, the committee recommended the ministry adhere to the measures of the human resource forecasting management model to streamline the recruitment process to fill up all the vacant positions in the various healthcare departments.

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